Song Sparrow Playgarden is a mixed-age early childhood program for young children up to 5 years old. Most students leave after they turn 5 to attend kindergarten. Some have transitioned directly to first grade due to their age and the desire of their parents.
Song Sparrow Playgarden follows the pedagogy of Walorf Early Childhood Education. Fine and gross motor skills, along with coordination and balance are an important part of the early childhood curriculum. These needs are met with ample playtime with friends, handwork, art, and movement. Children also participate in home-life skills such as helping prepare and set up for snack by chopping vegetables, folding napkins and setting the table. Our weekly forest days allow the children to be immersed in nature in all types of weather while creating their own magical world among the trees with friends.
We start our days with morning movement where the children make the repetitive brain connections needed to prepare for them for later academic learning. They also learn the important skills of collaboration, communication, and problem-solving that fosters in them a love for learning through group games and independent play.
In addition to ample opportunity for physical activity, we also incorporate story, song, and art into our weekly rhythm.
Children at Song Sparrow Playgarden receive a well-rounded education centered around imaginative play and creative arts. Research continues to show the benefits of a play-based early childhood education. If you’re interested in diving into this topic, please take a look at the resource page for suggested readings.
Ratios at Song Sparrow Playgarden
SSPG is licensed as a Large Family Childcare. During our school day we have a maximum of 12 children with one lead teacher and one assistant teacher. You can read about lead Teacher Amy’s background and qualifications here.
FIRE SEASON: SSPG has a Purple Air Monitor on the property. According to pediatrician recommendations, if the AQI is above 101, we will remain inside with air purifiers blasting.
APPLICATION PROCESS details about the application process can be found HERE.