Song Sparrow Playgarden is now offering rolling admissions. Children are enrolled after the family has completed all of the steps in the process below. Spots are guaranteed only when a deposit has been paid.
1.) Visit
This is a time for parents to visit the playgarden without your child. You will be invited to come and observe us in action during our school day. Please reach out directly to Teacher Amy if you’re interested in setting up a time to visit. Please plan on staying the entire length of the tour. Both parents are not required to attend a tour together.
2.) Submit an Application
Applications are only sent after you’ve visited the playgarden. Please take your time and be thorough with your application. This is a chance for me to get to know your child and your family.
3.) Parent Phone/Video Interview
After an application is submitted, parents are emailed the most updated version of our handbook to read before their scheduled call with Teacher Amy.
4.) If the family and Teacher Amy feel like Song Sparrow Playgarden would be a good fit for your child and your family, an Admissions Agreement will be written and a deposit will be paid through Brightwheel.
Thank you for your interest in Song Sparrow Playgarden!