Resources for Parents
Here are just a few resources to offer you. I will continue to add to this page, so be sure to check back!
Here are some non-Waldorf books in my queue that discuss two topics close to my heard 1.) being outside in all types of weather 2.) early childhood education
I completed the LifeWays® Training in 2014. On this website you can find information about LifeWays® preschool programs and childcare providers in your area, as well as workshops and classes offered both online and in local areas. What I learned (and continue to learn) from my wise teachers and this program has given me much needed guidance in opening Song Sparrow Playgarden as well as in my parenting.
Childhood Development Year by Year
Perhaps you are coming to Waldorf education for the first time; or perhaps you seek a simple, clear reference for how Waldorf early childhood education meets your child. We hope that this series of concise, friendly discussions tracing your child's first seven years is just what you've been looking for. Each article includes links to material providing deeper treatment of related topics, and lists of references for further exploration.
The leading expert in the RIE community. Search her website for help around your most current parenting challenge.
I had the honor and pleasure of hearing Helle Heckmann speak at Early Childhood Conferences this year about her approach to nurturing childhood in the modern world we live in. She is a tremendous resource in nurturing he early childhood years.
I completed the Mothering Arts Training in Sept of 2015 so that I could bring a Mother's Circle to my area. Kerry provides a variety of classes for Mother's in all stages of parenting.
If you need family photos, please hire Melissa. Her work is unique and rich. Full of depth and emotion. Most of the photos on this website were taken by her.
I found August Wren on Instagram and commissioned her to do an illustration for my Mother's Circle. I just recently incorporated a little piece of the illustration (the little birdie:) into my logo. I absolutely love her work!
What do Children Learn in Waldorf Kindergarten? - Everything!
The Importance of Outdoor Play on Brain Development
The Joyful, Illiterate Kindergarteners of Finland, The Atlantic October 2015